The Official Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun / Black Flag Wing Chun Seminar in Italy by Grand Master Lin Xiang Fuk.
In this Blog, you can get the latest update of all of Sifu Lin's travels and works spreading HKB through Seminar and Workshop around the world.
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HKB Official Seminar in Battipaglia, Italy January 27, 2013
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Monday, December 9, 2013
Shared from The Official Shaolin HKB: This will be the biggest Shaolin HKB Summer camp. Please...
The Official Shaolin HKB originally shared this post:
This will be the biggest Shaolin HKB Summer camp. Please come and join us in this massive seminars and meet all HKB practiconers and instructors from all over the world at the Shaolin HKB Headquarter in Virginia, USA.
On May 5, 2012, we will also have a dinner banquette. TBA
Note: Private Instructor Training will start on April 30 until May 3, 2012
HKB International Summer Camp.
Day 1: Friday May 4,2012
- From 9am to 4pm : Will feature several seminar, workshop and demo from several instructor (HKB Inside the box and outside the box materials.)
- From 5:00pm - 8:00 pm: There will be the yearly official instructor testing for all ICP and IP, this will be open to members.
- 8:30 pm: Will have dinner TBA.
Day 2: Saturday May 5, 2012
- From 9am to 5pm: will feature Grand Master Lin Xiang Fuk on the "NO-LIMIT MATERIAL" within HKB system. Meaning; The topics will cover EVERYTHING within HKB of Tier 2.
- From 6pm: Annual HKB Banquette.
Cost & Registration:
Day 1 only:
At the door registration $79.
Early bird pre-registration $59 (Save $20.00).
Click here for early bird registration and save $20:
Day 2 only :
At the door registration $108.
Early bird pre-registration $88 (Save $20.00).
Click here for early bird registration and save $20:
Both days of Friday and Saturday:
At the door registration $159; (Save $30.00 for both days)
Special Early bird pre-registration for both Days $108 (Save $39+$40= Total Saving of $79).
Click here early bird registration and save $79:
Album: Hek Ki Boen International Summer CampMay 4-5, 2012 (1 photo)
Shared from The Official Shaolin HKB: HKB United Kingdom Winter Camp Training Report on March 2012
The Official Shaolin HKB originally shared this post:
HKB United Kingdom Winter Camp Training Report on March 2012
I started to get going on the March 04, 2012. This time, my trip was heading toward London, UK.
During the flight, as expected to happen, I met couple new contacts this time from Russia as well as other cities in USA. They have expressed their interest in finding out more information about HKB and we will follow up after.
In this trip to UK, my goal was to teach all the knowledge within Associate Instructor Level so that they can start to grow their own tree independently.
March 05, 2012, London Heathrow local time, I was picked up by My representative for UK; Sifu Brendan Burnett. After short stop for some dinner, we made it to Sommerset.
Over the next 6 days, we begin the ICP training every day from 10am until 6pm, followed by Student members training at the HKB of Sommerset School. Within they first three days, even with hard work, I can see that everyone had a great time and so much intensity in their training. I am very proud of them!!!
During this time, we had couple new ICP members that came from different background; Boxing (Ex U.K Champion), Tae Kwon Do, Hong Kong Wing Chun, Pien San Wing Chun, Shotokan Karate and Chen Tai Chi. They all came from all over UK.
My representative from Greece; Sarontos Dimitrious, who had a background in Garry Lam Wing Chun and Shotokan Karate, also came all the way from Greece to participate in the ICP training for the whole week.
On the last day, Saturday March 10, 2012, we had the second time of official HKB Seminar and workshop to the public. The topic was Introduction to HKB, Mindfulness Combat [Concentration vs Emotion] and the usage of HKB Unique Bai Jong Setup Concept. It was definitely a mind blowing experience for everyone!
Overall, this trip was another very successful trip for HKB. Along with this trip, I accomplish my first project that I started 3 years ago; to establish the pioneer instructor seed around the world to spread the HKB system and represent HKB Kuntao International. UK was the last country I have in my list for Phase One of my project in spreading HKB.
As of right now, I am working toward implementing the next phase for spreading HKB.
During this trip to UK, I have successfully transmitted the following HKB knowledge and skill to all of our 5th generation ICP in UK as well as some of the 6th Generation ICP;wheel bearing (cotton body)1st degree hoat keng/Impulsed Power (based on heaven, earth and man and the tendon activation using Twist, strecth and squeeze method of HKB)
- 2nd degree hoat keng/Impulsed Power (based on the shoulder weight drop)
- 3rd degree hoat keng/Impulsed Power (based on dan tian connection)
- Red palm skill(special training in extension to 1st degree hoat keng)
- Bone marrow training(expansion and compression)
* All these materials aboved are part of the Tier 2 program of HKB, the associate instructor program.
Note: the 1st,2nd and 3rd degree hoat keng of the tier 2 were used to be just the "Full 1st degree hoat keng".
Where now the original full 2nd degree hoat keng(based on 9 tendon activation on each limb) and the original 3rd degree hoat leng(based on Liam kut/bone marrow cultivation) are now labeled as the 4th and 5th degree hoat keng and are taught on the Tier 3 Instructor program.
In Addition to the in-depth training in all the Section within HKB’s New Form; Eng Chun Kun;
Section 1: Sam Chian Po Section [3 Battle Step]
Section 2: Ti Sam Chian Section [Lower Triangle 3 Battle Step]
Section 3: Sat Si Mui Section [Pursuing 4 Direction]
Section 4: Siauw Liam Dao Section [First Training]
Section 5: Hua Kun / Im Yang Jiu Section [Flower Fist of Yin Yang hand]
Section 6: Pa Cat Kun Section [Elbow Set]
For sure HKB will nourish in UK. The future looks bright for HKB.
Pictures from this event can be found here:
or here
Sifu Kenneth Lin Xiang Fuk
CEO and Grand Master Founder of The Official HKB Kuntao International
International VoIP#:
+1 540-999-8989
HKB Headquarters
Phone: +1 540-322-2028
Mailing Address:
11047 Pierson Dr, Ste# I
Fredericksburg, VA 22408 U.S.A.
Organization Website:
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Album: March 20, 2012 (298 photos)
Shaolin HKB Fall Training Camp at Headquarter school in Fredericksburg, VA. It will be held on...
Shaolin HKB Fall Training Camp at Headquarter school in Fredericksburg, VA. It will be held on Saturday, November 5, 2011. Featuring Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk conducting the full day workshop from 10am until 5pm, please RSVP your seat now.
Join me in this seminar, I am looking forward to meet many of you.
Here is the link for the seminar registration;
Member Registration - Select your event
Join me in this seminar, I am looking forward to meet many of you.
Here is the link for the seminar registration;
Member Registration - Select your event
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Friday, November 1, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
The Official Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun / Black Flag Wing Chun Seminar in Italy by Grand Master Lin Xiang Fuk.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
To all of my Kungfu Families in USA and US Facebook Friends,
To all of my Kungfu Families in USA and US Facebook Friends,
I am looking to find a person to hire, experienced in Wholesale Business to Business for Backpacks [Apparel] for West Coast Territory. Please contact me for more details.
I am looking to find a person to hire, experienced in Wholesale Business to Business for Backpacks [Apparel] for West Coast Territory. Please contact me for more details.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
Great morning training
The Orange County Sunshine feel so good today accompanying my daily morning training after the past winter weekend.
Getting ready to teach my morning class and then start packing up to leave for Italy.
- Sifu Lin
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
The Official Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun / Black Flag Wing Chun Seminar in Italy by Grand Master Lin...
The Official Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun / Black Flag Wing Chun Seminar in Italy by Grand Master Lin Xiang Fuk.
The Official Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun / Black Flag Wing Chun Seminar in Italy by Grand Master Lin Xiang Fuk.
The Official Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun / Black Flag Wing Chun Seminar in Italy by Grand Master Lin Xiang Fuk.
The Official Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun / Black Flag Wing Chun Seminar in Italy
by Grand Master Lin Xiang Fuk.
Seminar Description:18 Lohan San Sau is the live application and combat strategy of HKB system based on Maximum Efficiency through occupying time, becoming space and releasing impulsed energy. To be able to perform 18 Lohan San Sik, must start with HKB 18 Formula.
Within this seminar for public, You will learn:
1. HKB 5 Lines Theory
2. HKB 3 Dan Tian Reference points
3. HKB Optimum Body Position; Superior and Inferior position
4. HKB 3 Dimensional Triangle Structure
5. HKB Wheel Bearing Body [Limited version]
6. HKB 18 San Sik Set.
1. HKB 5 Lines Theory
2. HKB 3 Dan Tian Reference points
3. HKB Optimum Body Position; Superior and Inferior position
4. HKB 3 Dimensional Triangle Structure
5. HKB Wheel Bearing Body [Limited version]
6. HKB 18 San Sik Set.
Note: There will be a secondary Seminar for public regarding HKB Unique Method of Energy Transfer and Internal Power. This isin Addition to the current schedule. TBA
North Italy - Rome
Public Seminar : January 26
[Topics: 18 Lohan San Sau part of HKB]
Instructor Training: January 20-25
Public Seminar : January 26
[Topics: 18 Lohan San Sau part of HKB]
Instructor Training: January 20-25
Invitiamo tutti gli interessati a partecipare al seminario pubblico del Gran Maestro Lin Xiang Fuk, che si terrà a Roma, il 26 gennaio 2013, dalle 14:00 alle 18:30, nel quale i praticanti avranno accesso alle applicazioni ed alle strategie di combattimento del sistema Hek Ki Boen.
Il seminario verterà sui 18 Lohan San Sau, la viva applicazione del sistema basato sulla Massima Efficienza, occupando il tempo, diventando lo spazio e rilasciando energia di impulso.
Per praticare i 18 Lohan San Sik è necessario conoscere la Formula in 18 punti dell’Hek Ki Boen, che verrà spiegata nel dettaglio:
1. Teoria delle Cinque Linee
2. Tre Punti di Riferimento, basati sui Dan Tian
3. Ottimo Posizionamento del Corpo; Posizione Superiore ed Inferiore
4. Struttura Triangolare Tridimensionale
5. “Wheel Bearing Body”
6. Forma 18 San Sik dell’Hek Ki Boen
2. Tre Punti di Riferimento, basati sui Dan Tian
3. Ottimo Posizionamento del Corpo; Posizione Superiore ed Inferiore
4. Struttura Triangolare Tridimensionale
5. “Wheel Bearing Body”
6. Forma 18 San Sik dell’Hek Ki Boen
Per informazioni e prenotazioni, scrivete una mail a o chiamate SiFu Riccardo Di Vito al 3283421682.
South Italy - Battigpalia: January 27
Public Seminar : January 27
[Topics: 18 Lohan San Sau part of HKB]
Instructor Training: January 27-January 31
Public Seminar : January 27
[Topics: 18 Lohan San Sau part of HKB]
Instructor Training: January 27-January 31
Invitiamo tutti gli interessati a partecipare al seminario pubblico del Gran Maestro Lin Xiang Fuk, che si terrà a Battipaglia, il 27 gennaio 2013, dalle 10:00 alle 14:00, nel quale i praticanti avranno accesso alle applicazioni ed alle strategie di combattimento del sistema Hek Ki Boen.
Il seminario verterà sui 18 Lohan San Sau, la viva applicazione del sistema basato sulla Massima Efficienza, occupando il tempo, diventando lo spazio e rilasciando energia di impulso.
Per praticare i 18 Lohan San Sik è necessario conoscere la Formula in 18 punti dell’Hek Ki Boen, che verrà spiegata nel dettaglio:
1. Teoria delle Cinque Linee
2. Tre Punti di Riferimento, basati sui Dan Tian
3. Ottimo Posizionamento del Corpo; Posizione Superiore ed Inferiore
4. Struttura Triangolare Tridimensionale
5. “Wheel Bearing Body”
6. Forma 18 San Sik dell’Hek Ki Boen
2. Tre Punti di Riferimento, basati sui Dan Tian
3. Ottimo Posizionamento del Corpo; Posizione Superiore ed Inferiore
4. Struttura Triangolare Tridimensionale
5. “Wheel Bearing Body”
6. Forma 18 San Sik dell’Hek Ki Boen
Per informazioni e prenotazioni, scrivete una mail a o chiamate SiFu Antonello Parisi al 3477486662.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] in Italy on January 2013 by Grand Master Lin Xiang Fuk
Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] in Italy on January 2013 by Grand Master Lin Xiang Fuk
Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun [Black Flag Wing Chun] in Italy on January 2013 by Grand Master Lin Xiang Fuk
The Official Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun / Black Flag Wing Chun Seminar in Italy by Grand Master Lin Xiang Fuk.
North Italy - Rome
Public Seminar : January 26
[Topics: 18 Lohan San Sau part of HKB]
Instructor Training: January 20-25
South Italy - Battigpalia: January 27
Public Seminar : January 27
[Topics: 18 Lohan San Sau part of HKB]
Instructor Training: January 27-January 31
More Information: Please Call: 328-342-1682
Seminario pubblico sui 18 LoHan San Sik dell'Hek Ki Boen Kun Tao, tenuto direttamente dal Gran Maestro Lin Xiang Fuk
Nord Italia - Roma
Seminario pubblico: 26 gennaio
[Argomenti: 18 Lohan San Sau parte di HKB]
Istruttore: 20-25 gennaio
Sud Italia - Battigpalia: 27 gennaio
Seminario pubblico: 27 gennaio
[Argomenti: 18 Lohan San Sau parte di HKB]
Istruttore: gennaio 27 - gennaio 31
Ulteriori informazioni: Si prega di chiamare: 328-342-1682
Shared from Sifu Kenneth Lin: HKB Official Seminar in Battipaglia, Italy January 27, 2013
Sifu Kenneth Lin originally shared this post:
HKB Official Seminar in Battipaglia, Italy January 27, 2013
Seminario Pubblico GM Lin Xiang Fuk | Facebook

HKB Official Seminar in Battipaglia, Italy January 27, 2013
HKB Official Seminar in Battipaglia, Italy January 27, 2013
Seminario Pubblico GM Lin Xiang Fuk | Facebook
Seminario Pubblico GM Lin Xiang Fuk | Facebook

HKB Official Seminar in Battipaglia, Italy January 27, 2013
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