I want to wish my Sifu, GM Tio Tek Kwi, to have a successful Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun seminar in Thailand.
Please come to see him in Thailand if you can make it to this event to experience his teaching of HKB Eng Chun.
Ever Since I brought HKB to the public since early 2005, it has grown and spread to more than 14 countries.
GM Tio, who is one of my Sifu, had taught me many things with HKB, especially moral character development. I am very grateful to be his student as well. He always taught me to be a good person with integrity, loyalty and respect for others.
This is why I always stress to my students worldwide the importance of being a good person. I always try to influence people who associate with me to be a good person, otherwise, they cannot stay as a member in my association. KUngfu is just a vehicle to have Zhen Shan Mei (Complete perfection in life), this includes becoming a good moral person with good etiquette to always respect others. This is what makes Martial Arts so powerful; The lifeskill. Neglecting this part of kungfu teaching will just turn someone to be a hitman or a person with hatred.
We grow older everyday. Nobody wants to keep planting bad seeds by making enemies, then how would their life become when they turn 70 years old? It is not good to be someone at this age filled with hatred. No one will want to associate with you.
I hope GM Tio's teaching in Thailand now can be accepted into the heart and become fruitful. This requires serious awareness, attention, and implementation in your life.
I hope this seminar in Thailand can bring positive benefits to our Shaolin HKB organization whose mission is to spread the teaching of HKB Eng Chun.
On behalf of The Official Shaolin HKB Eng Chun Pai Association, I would like to express my gratitude and personal thanks to my teacher for sharing his teaching in Thailand.
Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk