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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New Official Statement: 8 New Shaolin HKB Associate Instructor Candidate Acceptance.

New Official Statement: 8 New Shaolin HKB Associate Instructor Candidate Acceptance.


New Instructor Candidate accepted from Italy and Czech Republic for Future representative of HKB

After having the Instructor Candidate went through the selection process, including the formal Interview,1. As of November 23, 2011, For the Official Shaolin HKB discipleship,    Grandmaster Kenneth Lin Xiang Fuk has formally accepted five new candidates;
     1. Riccardo Di Vtio, Rome, Italy
     2. Roberto Rossi, Lucca, Italy
     3. Pasquale Mazzota, Czech Republic.
     4. Norbeto Di Giacomo, Rome, Italy
     5. X, Genova, Italy 

2. As of  November 27, 2011, For the Official Shaolin HKB discipleship,Grandmaster Kenneth Lin Xiang Fuk has formally accepted three new candidates;
     1. Paolo Pagnano, Napoli, Italy
     2. Alfonso Persisco, Battipaglia, Italy
     3. Stefano Di Meo, Battigpalia, Italy

Suhu/Master Lin Xiang Fuk has allocated some of his time for future training and set dates for tentative training schedules in Italy.

Please join us in Congratulating them for being accepted into the Instructor candidate program of The Official Shaolin Hek Ki Boen Pai. Please allow time for us to update our current Instructor Candidate name lists on our website.HKB


A very successful Shaolin HKB Seminar trip during this Shaolin HKB Seminar in Italy between November 21-29 of 2011.

It was A very successful Shaolin HKB Seminar trip during this Shaolin HKB Seminar in Italy between November 21-29 of 2011.

First Day: Rome, Italy.
We had the official Shaolin HKB Interview for the Associate Instructor Candidate Program (AICP), there were some candidates went through the interview process, Five of them were accepted into the program.

Second Day: Rome, Italy
The Full HKB Introduction begin at 10:00am, we went over the detail of Shaolin HKB Unique concept of DETACHMENT, and how it related to Muscle to Tendon Change, Tendon into Bone Marrow, and Intent Cultivation. Followed by the full details on Shaolin HKB Combat Strategy. We covered everything from Maximum Efficiency, Shaolin HKB 18 Formulas, Optimum Body Position, Hand & Leg Techniques, Bridging Hand [Kiao Jiu/Kiu Sao] and Sticky Hand [Niam Jiu/Chi Sao]. We took break at 2pm, followed by very nice Italian Lunch.
At 3pm, we continued to train. The Famous HKB “SUNDAY-Hard-Core” training was on the menu, it was a straight 5 Hours intense super hard training where every ICP really gave everything they had.

Third Day: Rome, Italy
After we took care of the new ICP member registration on the database for the new Shaolin HKB Passport in the morning, we went ahead and continue the more in-depth training. We went on covering the HKB Combat Strategy and Sparring Concept. After Lunch, we continue training and touching the very first step/key of HKB Detachment; Thian, Ti, Jin [Heaven, Earth and Man] Concept.
Toward the end, everybody finally understand why Learrning HKB must “REMOVE the EGO” where more is less and less is more. It was an EYE-Opening to everyone that even though Shaolin HKB is famous for it’s energy release, in fact, Power release/generation is not even being focused, instead, it was simply a byproduct of HKB Detachment.

Fourth Day: Arrived in Salerno-Battigpalia, Italy.

Fifth Day: Battigpalia, ItalyAll the Instructor Candidates went on training on the detail of Shaolin HKB Unique concept of DETACHMENT, and how it related to Muscle to Tendon Change, Tendon into Bone Marrow, and Intent Cultivation. Followed by the full details on Shaolin HKB Combat Strategy. We covered everything from Maximum Efficiency, Shaolin HKB 18 Formulas, Optimum Body Position, Hand & Leg Techniques, Bridging Hand [Kiao Jiu/Kiu Sao] and Sticky Hand [Niam Jiu/Chi Sao].
After Lunch break, we went ahead and introduced the Famous HKB “SUNDAY-Hard-Core” training was on the menu, it was supposed to be straight 5 Hours intense super hard training where every ICP really gave everything they had, unfortunely, the Gym we used closed at 7pm that night. We had to finish it one hour early.

Sixth Day: Battigpalia, Italy
That day we had the 2nd Official HKB Public Seminar in Italy for 2011.
We had many participant coming from all over the country to attend, with various backgrounds.
It was a very very very successful Shaolin HKB Italy seminar today. Many highly skilled instructors  from other association were completely blown away with what ShaolinHKB has to offer. They were extremely impressed by the depth of Shaolin HKB. After the acceptance of 5 additional new instructor candidates the last 1 week, we just received another 3 more requests from that day. The future looks really really bright for shaolin HKB In north, central, south and far south Italy!!!

Seveth Day: Battigpalia, Italy
In the Morning, We had the official Shaolin HKB Interview for the Associate Instructor Candidate Program (AICP), there were some candidates went through the interview process, Four of them were accepted into the program. Then the super hard training began. We covered the “Core Understanding” as the first session, followed by the San Sau format of HKB System. We went on training on the multi-layers of Shaolin HKB Combat Strategies. In the end, we closed it with Shaolin HKB Qi Gong Form and Meditation; Hau Ti Gi Kang [ Hou Tian Qi Gong ].

With the rate we are going, Shaolin HKB continue to grow very fast in North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Middle East. The future looks very bright for Shaolin HKB
Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk
Pictures from these events can be found here;

Video testimonials from these events can be found here;

Made it back to USA safe and sound

I just made it back safe and sound in USA last night, felt so good meeting my lovely wife and son. I want to thank Antonello Parisi and Everyone for his great VIP Hospitality and all the effort to make this event possible in Italy. I am grateful to Antonello because of his work for Shaolin HKB in Italy. As of right now, Shaolin HKB have an instructor 'seed' in the North, Central, South and Far South of Italy.

Full details report of this trip/event, Pictures and Videos are in the processed being uploaded now.......

Monday, November 28, 2011

Shaolin HKB seminar in Dayton Ohio after a very successful HKB seminar in Italy

On my way back to USA after a very sucessful HKB seminar in Italy.
Coming up next in my marathon seminar for 2011: Dayton, Ohio, before my last one for this year; hIndia.

Ohio, are you ready for Shaolin HKB?
Super hard NO LIMIT training will be on menu this weekend!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Extreme success in Italy Nov 2011

Very very successful Shaolin HKB Italy seminar today. Many highly skilled instructor from other association were completely blown away with what ShaolinHKB has to offer. They were extremely impressed by the depth of Shaolin HKB. After the acceptance of 8 additional new instructor candidates the last 1 week, we just received another 3 more requests from today. The future looks really really bright for shaolin HKB In north, central, south and far south Italy!!!

Looking forward for teaching tomorow, the last day in Italy only for Shaolin HKB Instructor Candidates. Very very extreme hard training will be on the menu.....

Friday, November 25, 2011

On the way to South Italy to teach shaolin HKB

On the way to Salerno now after successfully introducing shaolin HKB in Rome and train My future Shaolin HKB representatives for North and Central Italy. It was very successful event and detail reports will soon follow. Super Hard NO LIMIT core training is on the menù for South Italy for the next 3 days .........   Happy late thanksgiving.....

Monday, November 21, 2011

On the way to Italy......

On my way to the airport to teach Shaolin HKB Instructors candidate & conduct public seminars. Super Hard NO LIMIT Core training will Be on the menu.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Preparing for my trip to Italy now......

After a hick-up on the ticket schedule, finally it's resolve now. Thanks to Antonello Parisi. I am packing up my luggage and prepare for Seminar Marathon in Italy.
Italy, are you ready for HKB Hard Core Training.....?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Very grateful and luck....

"If I have 1000 Weak people and elders, brought together in Unity can move a mountain.
If I have 100 Great Man, brought together can change the world.
If I have 1 Leader, it's enough to be unstoppable and make everything possible."
- Sifu Lin

I am very grateful and luck, within my organization, The Official Shaolin HKB, we have more than 40 Leaders around the world now......

Sifu Kenneth Lin Xiang-Fuk

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Shaolin HKB Official Statement: The Rise and Rebirth of HKB

Date       :  November 17, 2011  09:01 AM  Eastern Time.
Subject : Rise and Rebirth of HKB:
                  The Official Shaolin HKB Martial Arts Program

There has been tremendous success in spreading the Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun system in the United States, Europe, South America, Middle East, and Asia.  Due to the rapid worldwide demand for our teachings and the success of now having representatives in multiple countries on four continents, we are proud to announce our new improved international program, Shaolin Hek Ki Boen System[1].

Shaolin Hek Ki Boen System is the realization of Sifu Lin’s training methods that have been perfected over the last two years.  These innovations in training have been proven by Sifu Lin in his training of students and development of instructors worldwide.  The Shaolin Hek Ki Boen System program has been piloted over the last year.  This program allows all students and Instructor Candidates to achieve basic skills within six months.  All videos and materials published thus far have shown only these basic skill sets.

Sifu Lin is in the final stage of preparation for the official unveiling of Shaolin Hek Ki Boen System  to the public.  The official release will begin in early 2012; once the Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun elders (Grandmasters) give their blessings to Sifu Lin as founder and Grandmaster of Shaolin Hek Ki Boen System .

Grand Master Lin has worked tirelessly to promote the HKB system since coming to the US, and has gone into overdrive since becoming a full-time, professional martial artist in 2009. Through his ceaseless efforts, he has assembled a core team of leaders and supporters that are well-trained, motivated, and capable of facing the challenges of teaching an ancient tradition to the highest levels of quality and the deepest realms of knowledge in the 21st century without sacrificing quality.

The Shaolin Hek Ki Boen System will be exclusively offered through the new official Shaolin HKB organization [].  Those students and Instructors enrolled in the current HKB Eng Chun system will be allowed to either finish the system, or be converted over to the new iroved Shaolin HKB system.
Due to various politics [2], we do not want to be associated with Wing Chun as an organization any longer. Our stance that Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun is Wing Chun has not wavered.

Shaolin HKB System  is the latest proven training methodology created by GM Lin, and the Shaolin HKB organization will put politics aside once and for all.  The focus of the Shaolin HKB organization will be solely on improving students and Instructors character and martial arts skills and engine, regardless of lineage or background.  


Sifu Kenneth Lin Xiang Fuk.
Grandmaster of Shaolin HKB


Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk’s Contact Information:
Shaolin HKB Email Address:
Shaolin HKB Facebook Group:
Shaolin HKB Facebook Page:
Shaolin HKB Google+ Page:


The Official Shaolin HKB International Organization Information
Shaolin HKB Official Website:

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sifu Kenneth Lin Xiang Fuk: Preparing myself to my upcoming seminar marathon.

Sifu Kenneth Lin Xiang Fuk: Preparing myself to my upcoming seminar marathon.

Preparing myself to my upcoming seminar marathon.

Preparing myself to my upcoming seminar marathon.
Next: Italy between Nov 20-30, 2011.
During this trip,
1. I will conduct public seminar and workshop in 3 or 5 different cities(Still waiting on the confirmation).
... 2. Teaching our long distance HKB members
3. Teaching Instructor Candidates
4. Interviewing more people for future representative for Italy, Greece, Poland, Spain and German. [We all will meet in Italy].
Currently, I have also received more inquiry of being part of our worldwide organization as future representative from Australia (3), Egypt(1), India(4) and Belgia(1). And we are in the process to organize meeting and conduct public seminar in those countries.
If you are also interested to be part of HKB future representative of our worldwide organization, please contact us at
Main criteria to be considered into our Instructor program:
1. Commitment and Willingness to train hard
2. Ability to teach and communicate to public (Communication skill and Passion in teaching)
3. Leadership skill
4. Business Sense(Enterprenaurship)
5. Respect, Loyalty and Integrity.
HKB Continue to grow very strong. Future looks very bright for HKB Family!
Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk
International HKB Eng Chun Pai Association.See More


Prepararmi alla mia maratona prossimo seminario.
Avanti: l'Italia tra 20-30 novembre, 2011.
Durante questo viaggio,
1. Io condurre seminari pubblici e workshop a 3 o 5 città diverse (ancora in attesa di conferma).
2. Insegnare ai nostri soci HKB lunga distanza
3. Insegnare Candidati Istruttori
4. Intervistare più persone per il futuro rappresentante per l'Italia, Grecia, Polonia, Spagna e tedesco. [Noi tutti si incontreranno in Italia].
Attualmente, ho anche ricevuto più richiesta di far parte della nostra organizzazione a livello mondiale in qualità di rappresentante futuro dall'Australia (3), Egitto (1), India (4) e Belgia (1). E noi siamo nel processo di organizzare riunioni e condurre seminari pubblici in quei paesi.
Se siete anche interessati a far parte della rappresentativa HKB futuro della nostra organizzazione a livello mondiale, vi preghiamo di contattarci al
Criteri principali da considerare nel nostro programma di Istruttore:
1. Impegno e la volontà di allenarsi duramente
2. Capacità di insegnare e comunicare al pubblico (abilità di comunicazione e passione per l'insegnamento)
3. leadership di abilità
4. Senso di business (Enterprenaurship)
5. Rispetto, lealtà e integrità.
HKB Continua a crescere molto forte. Futuro sembra molto brillante per la famiglia HKB!

Cordiali saluti,
Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk
About.Me / SifuLin
Internazionale HKB Eng Chun Pai Association.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Upcoming event and trip for rest of this year 2011;

My Upcoming event and trip for this year;

Nov 12, 2011 -> Tai Shang Men Taoism Mediation and Study at 8pm at Shaolin HKB HQ in Fredericksburg, VA

Nov 13, 2011 -> HKB Master Club training at 12:00pm.

Nov 18, 2011 -> Testing all levels (Orientation, Leadership and Black Sash)

Nov 19, 2011 -> Graduation Party

Nov 20-30, 2011 -> 2nd HKB Public Seminar and Instructor Candidate training in Italy (Salerno, Rome and Riccione)

Dec 2-4, 2011-> HKB Winter Camp Seminar & Workshop + Instructor and Instructor Candidates Training in Dayton, Ohio + HKB Of Dayton End of Year Banquet.

Dec 14, 2011 -> HKB Private Lesson in Mumbai, India.

Dec 23, 2011 -> End of Year Banquet at HKB Headquarter. TBA

Five New Instructor Candidate accepted from United Kingdom and Spain for Future representative of HKB as of Oct 26, 2011

Five New Instructor Candidate accepted from United Kingdom and Spain for Future representative of HKB as of Oct 26, 2011

After having the Instructor Candidate went through the selection process, including the formal Interview, As of October 26, 2011, For the Official Shaolin HKB discipleship,Suhu Lin Xiang Fuk has formally accepted five new candidates;
1.  Dug Boyer (Palma De Mallorca, Spain)
2. Ashley Smalldon (Taunton-Sommerset, United Kingdom)
3. Daniel Wood (Bridgewater-Somerset, United Kingdom)
4. David Morgan (Newton Abbot-Devon, United Kingdom)
5. Kev Dunn (North Petherton-Somerset, United Kingdom)

Suhu/Master Lin Xiang Fuk has allocated some of his time for future training and set dates for tentative training schedules in Brazil.

Please join us in Congratulating them for being accepted into the Instructor candidate program of The Official Shaolin Hek Ki Boen Pai. Please allow time for us to update our current Instructor Candidate name lists on our website.HKB Admin

Pictures of this can be found at

HKB Admin

Monday, November 7, 2011

HKB Fall Training Camp 2011 Report

Awesome HKB weekend so far. We had super hard training on wheel bearing body on friday with all of our instructor team from HKB of katy, HKB of Dayton, HKB of Cincinati and HKB of centerville. On Saturday we had a full day SUCCESSFUL HKB Fall training camp and it was a full house. We cover the whole blue print of HKB system. We had our special guest, sifu Sharif Bey from Syracus New York of Hung gar system participating in our workshop. Everyone had super had training so far and really enjoy HKB.

We had the final instructor training on Sunday, covered deeper aspect of wheel bearing body and its application. I pushed everyone limit on that day. Even though their body still need time to 'click', but the knowledge had been successfully trasmitted.

Overall. it was a very successful HKB Training Camp Workshop and Instructor Weekend training.
With the rate we are going of raising the bar, HKB Continue to grow VERY STRONG.

Note: It was also my honor and pleasure to have our special Guest, Sifu Sharif Anael Bey of Hung Gar, training together with us. We had a great time myself this past weekend. Thank you so much Bey Sifu for your kind words and support. You speak too highly about myself.

Pictures from this event can be found at:

Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk


Thursday, November 3, 2011

HKB Fall Training Camp coming up this weekend

I am very excited about this coming HKB Fall Training Camp coming up this weekend. There will be training for members and Public on Saturday Nov 5, 2011 start at 9:30am until 5/6pm. Dinner will follow (TBA). There will also be Instructor Training both Friday and Sunday.

In the same time, I am looking forward to welcome Sifu Benny Meng (VTM Curator) and his team from Hek Ki Boen of Dayton and  HKB of Cincinnati. HKB of Texas will also be here on Friday as well. Along with that, I also want to welcome our Special Guest, Sifu Sharif Anael Bey of Hung Gar School in Syracus New York that will arrive here on Saturday.

Super hard FUN and NO LIMIT training will be on the Menu!!!

Sifu Kenneth Lin Xiang-Fuk

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Excellent Class tonight.

Excellent Class tonight. Everyone seem to have fun learning with excellent workout. Suheng Gordon did a great job leading the class tonight. In the Leadership class, I want to give shout out to Cheryl and Julie for being able to perform the 'dropped the weight' during bridging hand. Great job everyone. Looking forward for tomorow night class.

Also I want to give special thank you for Julie and Cheryl for supporting the school and did big help on cleaning the school. Thank you to both of you!!!

Also to remind you that we have a special YEARLY TRAINING CAMP this saturday at 9:30am. This is where you do not want to miss out. The Blue Prints of HKB system will be covered during this seminar. Best chance to learn as much as you can.
To register, you can either pre-register online at

Sifu Lin

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Awesome training at HQ School tonight

Super Awesome to be back teaching at my HQ school. Everyone had fan learning and full of sweaty workout. Paul and Eric did a great job leading the class tonight. REMINDER: Please don't forget we have this Fall Training Camp Seminar and Workshop this saturday Nov 5 at 9:30am. You don't want to miss thisyearly event. There will be so much to learn. Looking forward to see you there.