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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Excellent Class tonight.

Excellent Class tonight. Everyone seem to have fun learning with excellent workout. Suheng Gordon did a great job leading the class tonight. In the Leadership class, I want to give shout out to Cheryl and Julie for being able to perform the 'dropped the weight' during bridging hand. Great job everyone. Looking forward for tomorow night class.

Also I want to give special thank you for Julie and Cheryl for supporting the school and did big help on cleaning the school. Thank you to both of you!!!

Also to remind you that we have a special YEARLY TRAINING CAMP this saturday at 9:30am. This is where you do not want to miss out. The Blue Prints of HKB system will be covered during this seminar. Best chance to learn as much as you can.
To register, you can either pre-register online at

Sifu Lin