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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Black Flag Wing Chun Tutorial 3: Wing Chun Bong Sao / 膀手 Technique based on Maximum Efficiency

[F A C T U A L] What is Wing Chun Kung Fu? Maximum Combat Efficiency is What makes Wing Chun to be Wing Chun, not because the shape, techniques, movement or certain looks. Maximum Combat Efficiency is about how you express yourself dealing with an attack from an aggressor with the least amount of time, space and energy. Meaning that your action can not longer be simplified into less time nor less step nor less energy. It is very similar to Tai Chi in terms of effortless, except Tai Chi doesn't focus on the time efficiency and smaller circular movement. Below is an example of Maximum Efficiency Video of How to Use Proper Bong Sao [Jamming Hand]....

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