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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Just finished the second day of HKB black flag wing chun instructor Winter Camp. I think everyone brain was fried much information. Everyone was so impressed with GM The Kang Hay skills, especially how much little effort he makes in executing any movements, yet, with mind blowing explosive power. FYI, as usual, few weeks before this event, there was another attack toward our HKB family where it tried to discredit GM The by saying his left eye can not see because of the accident he had in 1991. These last 2 days, our instructor team witness, not only his left eye problem, but also he had no right back bone structure, broken 5 ribs, left leg on steel with 3 screws, YET, much more powerful than me. Quality of HKB Wing Chun teaching had been demonstrated by my Sifu, who is not only in his old age but also disability..... Enuff said....

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