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Monday, October 31, 2011

HKB Trip Report to United Kingdom on October 2011

Dear Instructors, Students, Parents and Friends,
I just got back from a very very successful trip from United Kingdom training with Sifu Brendan Burnett and other students.
During my stay between October 21 to 30 in UK, Every day we start at 10 in the morning right after breakfast. Training with regular students, followed by Instructor Candidates training in the afternoon, then Public class, seminar and workshop on the evening, followed by private training afterwards.
Everyone who participated in this HKB Workshop for that week and clearly understand that there is no secret recipe in Kungfu. It’s all HARD WORK.

Overall, it was a fun, exciting and hard training of HKB system.  I want to congratulate all the Future representative of HKB for being accepted into the HKB Instructor Candidates Program and had a chance to taste HKB “Hard Core ‘Sunday’ Training” . After observing for a week, I knew I made the right decision bringing you guys into this ICP Program. I know for sure that HKB will grow strong and nourish in UK.

Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk

Saturday November 5, 2011. Shaolin HKB Fall Training Camp/Workshop at Shaolin HKB Headquarter in Fredericskburg, VA.  Please share with local friends and family. Get ready to learn very in-depth the Blue Print of Shaolin HKB (You don’t want to miss this) and How it can benefit your Martial Arts Skills.  Register now at
Upcoming Events:
Please come and join me in my next seminar in Europe that will be on the 3rd Week of November 2011. Please contact Antonello Parisi for details.

Safe and sound back in USA after UK Trip

Have made it back home safe and sound in USA after very successful seminar and ICP training in UK. I want to take this opportunity to express my grattitude to Sifu Brendan Burnett, our HKB Contact for UK, who made this HKB Event in UK.

Thank you so much for the VIP Treatment during my Stay and UK. I had a great time. Thank you everyone who went out of the way to support. After working with our students in UK and getting to know them, I can be sure 100% that HKB will grow very strong in the near future in UK. 

Full report will soon follow while I will be working on the preparation for this weekend HKB Fall training camp for Public and Instructor Training weekend at the HKB Headquartter...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Raise the bar

Today, i pushed all of our HKB instructor candidates, future representatives of HKB for UK, to their human limit on the training from 10am until 3pm and I am very happy with the result so far. in the evening, we went to local MMA school to do a HKB workshop and seminar from 6pm til 9pm. Everyone was blown away with the depth of HKB and what kind of benefit it can bring to improve their martial arts skills regardless their background, especially how HKB Unique concept of detachment can maximize their ability to release their shock impulsed power.

Base in what i have seen the last two days, i feel very positive that UK will definetely be another strong home for HKB. Looking forward for tomorow. Another hard training is on the menu for private session with some of my students.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

HKB Training in UK

Just made it safe and sound in London, UK Last night. My Rep Sifu Brendan Burnett gave superb hospitality. Enjoy my stay so far and looking forward for some training today. Super Hard training is on the menu for today.  

Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lovely night!

Lovely night!. We just finished another 4 hour training. We just had our newest member, Tony Layne, on board with us. Rebecca did really impress everyone with her agility of footwork. Awesome job! Also Adia and Eric, both are still on the white sash, but already have HKB first degree Impulse Power (Hoat Keng).Good job everyone. I am going home now and get prepared for trip to UK.....

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Another Awesome Kung Fu Night Training!

Another Awesome Kung Fu Night Training! Felt so good teaching tonight at my HQ School. What really makes me happy is some students show their huge improvements compare to last week. Great Job Paul Musick! Even with some pain in his finger (Got cut at work today) still insisted not only to show up and participate, but also ave 120% of his effort.! Two thumbs up Paul!. Also to Bruce and Joe D.
Also to Bruce M and Joe D. You two impressed me with your improvement on your first degree Hoat Keng! Awesome guys! keep up the good work.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Important Message from Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk of Shaolin HKB Pai Association

I want to wish my Sifu, GM Tio Tek Kwi, to have a successful Hek Ki Boen Eng Chun seminar in Thailand.
Please come to see him in Thailand if you can make it to this event to experience his teaching of HKB Eng Chun.
Ever Since I brought HKB to the public since early 2005, it has grown and spread to more than 14 countries.

GM Tio, who is one of my Sifu, had taught me many things with HKB, especially moral character development. I am very grateful to be his student as well. He always taught me to be a good person with integrity, loyalty and respect for others.
This is why I always stress to my students worldwide the importance of being a good person. I always try to influence people who associate with me to be a good person, otherwise,  they cannot stay as a member in my association. KUngfu is just a vehicle to have Zhen Shan Mei (Complete perfection in life), this includes becoming a good moral person with good etiquette to always respect others. This is what makes Martial Arts so powerful; The lifeskill. Neglecting this part of kungfu teaching will just turn someone to be a hitman or a person with hatred.

We grow older everyday. Nobody wants to keep planting bad seeds by making enemies, then how would their life become when they turn 70 years old? It is not good to be someone at this age filled with hatred. No one will want to associate with you.

I hope GM Tio's teaching in Thailand now can be accepted into the heart and become fruitful. This requires serious awareness, attention, and implementation in your life.

I hope this seminar in Thailand can bring positive benefits to our Shaolin HKB organization whose mission is to spread the teaching of HKB Eng Chun.

On behalf of The Official Shaolin HKB Eng Chun Pai Association, I would like to express my gratitude and personal thanks to my teacher for sharing his teaching in Thailand.


Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk

Beautiful Morning Shaolin HKB session!

Just had a great Morning Shaolin HKB session with my students at my headquarter school; Shaolin Kungfu Center in Fredericksburg, VA. Awesome class!! I can't express how happy I am to see how much my student has improved just in the last three weeks. Especially Paul(Tony) Musick and Keith. They both blow my mind away on how smooth they perform their skill challenge especially dealing with front kick.

My goal in life is to make people life better through kungfu and achieve their goal in life. For their martial arts field, it is my utmost focus to maximize their training progression and improve their skill to the highest they can ever be. Seeing their progression today just made my day BEAUTIFUL perfect Kungfu Day!

Sifu Lin

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hard Training on the small and very structured class tonight!

Hard Training on the small and very structured class tonight! Both Matt and Keith did a great job leading the group on the Tiong Khak (Front Centerline Kick). Shout out to everyone on the performing skill challenge dealing against front kick. Good body position and structure. I predict tomorow is going to be huge class again like last week. Can't wait til tomorow!

Sifu Lin