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Monday, February 17, 2014

Its been very fun and exciting trip so far in Indonesia. On my day 1: Dec 8, 2011, myself and GM...

Its been very fun and exciting trip so far in Indonesia. On my day 1: Dec 8, 2011, myself and GM the kang hay and GM Xing Yen went on the important discussion regarding the current progress of HKB international expansion including the upcoming project and plans

On the day two; Dec 9,2011. I went in front of all the elders who are legitimate indoor direct disciple of GM Kwee king Yang, to do the annual report of the current HKB International expansion, followed by having me to present and go over the new Shaolin HKB system that I created. The best HKB news of 2012 is that its been approved by the elders and I have received the official permission

Ans their blessing to go ahead timplementing the new Shaolin HKB system under the banner of HKB Kuntao.

Moreover, on the day Five(today) December 12, 2011, we had the official shaolin HKB inauguration ceremony.

Also Sifu Benny Meng had also arrived in indonesia and today did the VTM official research, interviews,

Investigation, clarification and documentation in regards to some claims made by certain party

Looking forward for more important task tomorow, including a super hard core training will be on the menu!!!!